AWS CodeBuild Default ECR IAM Policy vulnerability



AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. You can use an AWS managed container image, an image from a public repository or a custom image from an AWS ECR repository.

When using a custom container image stored in ECR and the project service role for the credentials to pull the image, the default IAM policy attached to the role to allow pulling the container was over privileged and allowed the CodeBuild container to overwrite its own build image. An attacker with the ability to read the container credentials from the meta-data service or run commands within the container could overwrite the container to gain persistence within the CodeBuild project. For typical CodeBuild operations the role only needs the ability to pull the container from ECR. AWS updated the default policy to fix this vulnerability following our reporting of the issue.

IAM Policy Details

By default, when selecting ECR as the image source and the project service role for the ‘image pull credentials’ AWS creates a policy with the name CodeBuildImageRepositoryPolicy-[Code Build Project Name]-[region] and attaches it to the service role, the default policy was:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:112233445566:repository/code-build-test"

As can be seen this policy contains the following four write operations that are not required to pull and run an image:


For organisations that want to use CodeBuild to build containers it is likely that these containers would be pushed to separate repositories rather than the repository for the CodeBuild source image, and would therefore need to write custom IAM polices for the CodeBuild Service role anyway.

Attack Scenario

The running container includes all the information needed to determine the repository and image details along with the temporary STS credentials for the service role. An attacker with command/ code execution within a CodeBuild container instance is able to recover these details. It is also possible for these details to be leaked to logs; although AWS does mask out the value of SecretAccessKey in CloudWatch by default. By default, these credentials can be used from anywhere on the Internet to access the resources the policy provides access to.

Locations for key information

TypeLocation / NameData
Meta-Data endpointhttp://$AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URIRoleArn, temporary STS credentials and credential expiry time **
Env Variable$ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URIDetails about the CodeBuild container including repository and tag
Env Variable$CODEBUILD_SOURCE_REPO_URLLocation of Repository with buildspec.yml file

** Temporary credentials associated with a CodeBuild container appear to be valid for 1 hour and continue to work once the CodeBuild job has completed.


This issue was responsibly reported to AWS on 2022-07-04 who:

  1. Updated the default Code Build Image Repository policy on 2022-07-26 to remove the un-required ‘write’ operations
  2. Emailed impacted AWS Customers notifying them of this issue 1 as well as adding notifications to their health dashboards 2


  1. For any CodeBuild projects created before July 26, 2022, which are using a Custom Docker Image, update those project’s IAM policies to match the updated policy. Please refer to the CodeBuild documentation 1 for updating your project’s IAM policies.
  2. Review IAM policies, including those created automatically by AWS, to ensure they contain only the minimum privilege required for the service.
  3. Where possible use Resource Policies to further restrict access, for example with ECR the sample resource policy below restricts all write and tagging operations, so they can only be made if the calling entity is located within the specified VPC.
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:SourceVpc": "vpc-111222bbb"

Proof of Concept

As AWS have fixed the issue with the default permissions, if you want to test this issue you will have to manually edit the default ‘Code Build Image Repository policy’ to add back the ‘write’ permissions. Please ensure you only test in environments where you have explicit authorisation to conduct security testing.


  1. Create test Docker image
    1. For testing, I used amazonlinux:latest with aws cli installed and tagged as code-build-test build with the following Dockerfile
FROM  amazonlinux:latest
RUN yum update -y && yum install -y curl unzip groff less nc jq
RUN curl "" -o ""
RUN unzip
RUN ./aws/install
  1. Create private repo and push image
    1. ‘code-build-test’ - left all options as default
    2. get docker login creds aws ecr get-login-password
    3. Login to registry docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
    4. docker tag code-build-test:latest
    5. docker push


  1. Create repo - code-build-test
    1. Add file called buildspec.yml with the following content
version: 0.2

      - echo Nothing to do in the pre_build phase...
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - env
      - aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1
      - curl $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI | jq '.'
      - echo Build completed on `date`

Code Build

  1. Create a code build project
    1. Project Config
      1. Name - code-build-test
    2. source - AWS CodeCommit
      1. Source provider - code-build-test
      2. Branch - main
    3. Environment
      1. Environment Image - Custom Image
      2. Environment Type - linux
      3. Image Registry - ECR
      4. ECR Repo - code-build-test
      5. ECR Image - latest
      6. Image pull credentials - Project service role
      7. Service Role - New Service Role
      8. Role Name - codebuild-code-built-test-service-role (default)
    4. Buildspec
      1. Use a buildspec file
      2. buildspec name - buildspec.yml
    5. Batch config
      1. leave default settings
    6. Artifacts
      1. No artifacts
    7. Logs
      1. group name - code-build-test
      2. stream name - build-logs


  1. Run the CodeBuild project and the log output should contain:
    1. Access key, secret key and token for the service role. Note: By default AWS redacts the secret key in the CloudWatch logs.
    2. Base64 encoded Access key, secret key and token - this is an easy way to extract the creds from the image for testing.
    3. Password used for logging into ECR
    4. Image location for source image in the ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA output, e.g.,
  2. Using the Access Key, Secret Key and Token you can obtain the ECR login credentials and can then log into ECR and pull the current image, rebuild it with attacker controlled content and then push the modified image back to ECR:
    1. Log into ECR: echo [password from previous step] | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
    2. Pull Current Image: docker pull
    3. Build a malicious image based on the original image
    4. Tag malicious image: docker tag malicous-image
    5. Push malicious image: docker push

Disclosure Timeline Summary

2022-07-04Vulnerability reported to AWS
2022-07-04Acknowledged by AWS, requested some more information
2022-07-05Requested information provided
2022-07-05Acknowledged by AWS
2022-07-18Update from AWS confirming fix should be in place by end of month
2022-07-27AWS released updated policy for any new CodeBuild roles
2022-08-01Draft blog post submitted to AWS for comment/review with agreed initial publication date of 12th August
2022-08-05AWS requested publication of details are delayed to allow AWS to contact customers with vulnerable polices
August 22 to Feb 23Regular contact with AWS providing updates on progress with customer notifications and remediation
2022-02-03AWS confirm sufficient progress has been made with customer notifications/ remediation for disclosure
2022-02-20Updated post issued to AWS for comment

I would like to thank Andy Smith of Cybersure who helped with initial research into AWS CodeBuild and the AWS security team for being responsive and approachable during the disclosure process and regularly updating me on progress.

  1. AWS notification email AWS Email Notification: ColdeBuid Security Notification:  ↩︎

  2. AWS Health Dashboard: ColdeBuid Security Notification AWS Health Dashboard: ColdeBuid Security Notification: ↩︎